A Shift in Direction

It was my hope that I would be able to make my daily blog of writing, thoughts and images — of whatever inspires me for the day. However, it may take some discipline and work on my part to make this happen.

Between being my mother’s main caregiver, selling my art at a local farmer’s market, managing my art portfolios of online galleries that sell my art of digital paintings, paint daily, chores, and other online activities, life is pretty busy. The good thing is that I’ve set new priorities to help me take my work and life to a heightened level of joy and prosperity.

I’ve dropped out of a couple of groups I had belonged that were simply for fun. Instead, I’ve found groups and communities that help promote the works of artists and writers. I think with so many great places online to join, you have to get selective. To help me make the decision of what to cut and what to add, I looked at the amount of energy spent with the group and how productive or expansive it was moving me forward. I had to admit to myself that a few of the online groups/communities were like safe havens. Then, I realized that safe havens weren’t challenging me enough, they weren’t helping me grow in a way that I need.

I hope to settle in to an evolved way of being as an artist and poet. Hopefully, more time spent bringing richness to my blogs.

Hope you’ve had a lovely Wednesday!

–genece hamby